What makes us different?
Attitude. I am here for you; period. You will not pay good money (or waste class time by the way) to hear drama from me or others in our class. You will touch many lives; with proper knowledge and training, you might as well get the best modern methods the first time. The purpose is to train you and for you to learn how to properly train yourself. I have spent the time; I have spent the money finding the correct answers to show you the way the first time. Shooting skills and or the shooting sports is an art that must be properly refined over time and practice. Again; we can show you the way the first time. Classes revolve around the student’s interests and concerns. Train with a Pro; Shoot like a Pro!Training can be difficult; we can make it fun. Did you know most of your handgun training is dry fire? What is this; come and find out. Expect and praise faults and mistakes during training. This is where we learn. We do not learn from doing things right. We learn from mistakes and failures then we start doing things correctly; let’s move on. This is training. This stuff is complicated, yet very simple. Fine motor skills meet raw instinct. It is a perishable task that must be refined over time. How much time is up to you; we strive to show you the right way to train, the first time. Fast is Slow and Slow is Fast. (But Slow Is Still Slow) Smooth and simple, but hard and difficult on every press of the trigger; come and see what you can do with the proper training, the first time. Ok pistol trigger reset is not a secret anymore; what is it, how does it work, come and find out. We do not sell guns or memberships; we sell well informed, paid for, information on the carrying of small arms, that is why you may decide to train here! The right way the first time!
Properly trained:
- How to properly train with yourself, your friends and your family.
- Correct terminology, behavior and manners around firearms.
- Levels of force, of when and why; or why not.
- Danger awareness, clues and signs; more so avoidance.
- Expertly dealing with the aftermath; more so avoidance.
- To stay away from the dumb masses.
- Limited class sizes for personal instruction.
- Tactical and practical.
- Expert instruction the first time.
BoJax Shooting School: To Be Safe, Knowledgeable, Effective... Aware and Alive!
BoJax Shooting School in Bluffton South Carolina offers shooting classes for beginner to expert level. Whether you are shooting for fun, competition or self-defense, BoJax Shooting School offers training designed to meet your needs.Coaching is common, we can help.Classes range from learning how to develop safe gun handling skills to advanced skills. Group rates and discounts are available for parties of 4 or more, please check out our courses page for more details on our courses offered. Anchor a class of 4 or more and wave tuition for one host. Family classes are popular. Our family CWP class has worked well; SC law reads your training certification is good for three years, so our young men and women of 18 to 20 years old can apply for a state carry permit on their 21st birthday, after completing our full CWP classes.
Stephen Bischoff
BoJax Shooting School
- Certified by SLED (State Law Enforcement Division) to instruct the Concealed Weapon Permit Program in the Great State of South Carolina.
- Certified NRA Instructor for Rifle, Pistol, Home Firearm Safety, and Personal Protection, Distinguished Expert Level Shooter.
- Affiliated Instructor; Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN)
- Expert Level Shooter in International Defensive Pistol. (idpa.com)
- Certified IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Safety Officer.
- Certified NRA Range Safety Officer, Life Member and Supporter.
- Glock Factory Certified Armorer, 2009
- Glock Advanced Factory Certified Armorer, 2012
- Glock Advanced Factory Certified Armorer, 2017
- GSSF Member, Master Level Competitor, 2009
- Three Time 1st Place Civilian Team, 2007; Thunderbolt Guns Gold Team
- Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors (ADSI)
- IDPA Competition School, (Scott Warren)
- 1 day Advanced Training Program, 2005
- 1997 - 2011 very active in IDPA; Nationals three times, S&W indoors, GSSF.....
- Advanced Internationally to Expert in the SC State Match by 1/2 second out of 200 seconds, 2008. Wow pretty cool; just a note. Again; the right way to train, the first time.
- National Tactical Invitational, ATSA, Participant / Operator 2009.
- IDPA Clinics, Scott Warren, Gordon Carroll, Jerry Miculek, 2009.
- Defensive Training International (John Farnam) Staff Instructor, 2009.
- Defensive Handgun; Urban Rifle, 3 days 2006
- Advanced Combatives Course; Force on Force, 3 days 2008
- Assistant Instructor; Advanced Combatives Course, 3 days 2009 wow
- Operator / Instructor; Advanced Combatives Course, 3 days 2010
- Certified Affiliated Instructor; Extreme Handgun Course, 1 Day 2011
- Staff Instructor; Urban Rifle Course, 2 Days 2011
- Operator / Student, Advanced Urban Rifle; 2 Days 2012
- Certified Affiliated Instructor; Three Gun Course, 3 Days 2013
- John and Vicki Farnam, Student / Operator / Instructor; Counter Ambush Handgun
- and Tactical Treatment of Gunshot Wounds (TTGSW), 2 Days 2014
- Student; Dynamic TTGSW 1 Day, 2017
- Staff Instructor; Dynamic Handgun, Retension and disarming... 2017
- Student TTGSW, private class, Student / Operator / Staff in Dynamic Urban Rifle. 3 Days 2018 wow
- Vicki Farnam, DTI; “Teaching Women to Shoot” 2 Days 2012
- Dynamic Instructor Seminar; 2 Days 2012 wow
- Langdon Tactical Technology (Ernest Langdon)
- Advanced Pistol Tactics, 2 Days 2010.
- Suarez International (Gabriel Suarez) Combat Pistol Instructor, 2014
- Zero to Five Feet Pistol Gunfighting; 2 Days 2010
- Advanced Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting; 2 Days 2010
- Certified Combat Pistol Instructor School; Close Range Gunfighting; 2014
- CRG 1, CRG 2, Force on Force, 3 Days 2014
- Suarez Force on Force Gunfighting School, Student, 2 days 2016 wow
- Range Master (Tom Givens) Advanced Firearms Instructor, 2014
- Tom and Lynn Givens, Combative Pistol I; 2 Days 2011
- Tom and Lynn Givens, Dynamic Marksmanship Combative Pistol 2; 2 Days 2012
- Range Master Firearms Instructor Development and Certification Course; 3 Days 2013
- Tom and Lynn Givens, Dynamic Marksmanship Combative Pistol 2; 2 Days 2014
- Range Master Advanced Firearms Instructor Development and Certification Course; 2 Days 2014 wow
- Range Master Firearms Instructor Reunion/Conference; 2 Days 2017 Shawnee, OK ..............
- AMOK (Tom Sotis) Combative Knife; 1 Day Clinic 2011
- Ken Hackathorn; Advanced Handgun Course, 2 Days 2011 wow
- Global Tactical Training Group; (Gary Glemboski)
- Defensive Carbine 1, 2 Days 2011
- Global Tactical Training Group; Concealed Critical Trauma Care, 2 Days 2012
- GTTG; Basic Knife Defense, December 2004
- GTTG; Stick And Knife Combatives, Johnny Newbern, July 2008
- GTTG; Red Cross Certified First Aid / AED 2012
- Global Tactical Training Group; Precision Rifle Level 1, 2012
- GTTG; Concealed Critical Trauma Care, Dr. William J. Bromberg, 2013 wow
- GTTG; Urban Security Driving / Counter Carjacking, June 2016
- 2016 Polite Society Tactical Conference; Range Master, Memphis, Tennessee
- Clinic Instruction Blocks with Lindenmen/Douglas, Ayoob, April, Givens,
- Ellifritz, Johnson, Thomas, Topper, Hayes
- Robert Vogel; World Class Pistol Skills. 2017 Two Days wow
- Massad Ayoob; Mag-20 Classroom, 20 Hour Immersion "Armed Citizens' Rules Of Engagement" 2018 wow
- Instuctor / Operator / Student of the Handgun, Carbine, Shotgun.